AccuSourceHR™ Blog

Unlocking Employee Loyalty: Strategies for Retaining Top Talent

Written by Sarah Ensch | May 31, 2024 6:26:20 PM

As a successful human resource professional, you understand attracting top talent is crucial for growing a winning business. You’ve invested heavily in ensuring your new hires enjoy a stress-free welcome into your organization. However, the initial steps of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding are just the beginning. The true key to success lies in building employee longevity and cultivating a culture of loyalty and dedication among top performers. Below are seven fundamental tips to ensure your organization retains its premier talent.


1.  Nurture Your Investment with Initial and Ongoing Training

Quality, consistent training aids employees in building confidence in the work they perform. It helps foster a sense of progress and personal growth in workers as they build new skill sets and increase their value in the workforce. In a 2018 LinkedIn report, 94% of workers surveyed indicated they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career. This underscores the importance of investing in your workforce as the primary asset in building a dynamic and innovative organization. Prioritizing this investment is essential to retaining top performers who can contribute to your company's long-term success. 


2.  Ensure Compensation is Consistently Fair and Competitive

Employee compensation is more than just hourly wage or salary. It is the total compensation package each worker enjoys in exchange for contributing their talents to your firm, and certain benefits can weigh heavily in overall perceived value. In fact, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, 56% of employees consider employer-sponsored health benefits when deciding to stay at their current company. There are multiple types of benefits employers can offer to inspire employee loyalty. Hard benefits, such as healthcare, 401K, life insurance, and cafeteria plans, provide tangible financial rewards, while soft benefits like flexible work schedules and remote work options can afford valuable non-monetary work-life balance advantages. Furthermore, offering legal and pet insurance coverage benefits can provide employees with added protection to manage life’s unforeseen challenges.

A comprehensive compensation package that includes both hard and soft benefits can enhance employee satisfaction and boost retention efforts. Employees who feel valued and supported are likely to remain with their company long-term, reducing turnover and the associated costs of recruitment and training. Additionally, continuous wage analysis is imperative for retaining top talent as it ensures competitive compensation aligned within the industry. Utilizing resources like competitive wage scales (i.e., Glassdoor) enables employers to benchmark average pay scales based on the industry, position, experience level, and geographic location. In doing so, employers can ensure that the compensation offered to attract top talent to their organization continues to entice them to stay and remain a key asset for years to come.


3.  Maintain Engagement Through One-On-One Meetings

Private one-on-one meetings are a valuable opportunity for both employees and their direct supervisors to connect and consistently track progress toward company and individual goals. One-on-one meetings facilitate building trust between employees and managers and enhance overall team communications. They also provide managers with opportunities to provide feedback, including praise and identifying areas requiring attention and improvement. They also afford a scheduled time for employees to ask questions and gain clarity on expectations. Typical one-on-one meeting discussions include progress towards performance goals, identification of options for skill development, resolution of challenges or project roadblocks, and checking in on employees’ well-being and workload balance. They also can afford an excellent opportunity to get to know each staff member on a more personal level, aiding in identifying both opportunities for growth and external challenges that may impact work performance to promote stability and longevity. 


4. Foster Professional Development and Employee Growth

Implementing a career development plan not only helps workers improve their skills and capabilities to benefit immediate organizational success; it also promotes employee retention. When employees are no longer challenged or stimulated by their work, “boreout” can result. Boreout is chronic boredom at work where employees feel underworked, unchallenged, and unmotivated, leading to ongoing frustration. According to HR Morning, the causes of boreout include monotony, lack of purpose and challenge, stagnation, and limited power. Creating development opportunities for employees mitigates turnover due to boredom and increases worker productivity and morale.

Staff members who are given access to continuous on-the-job training options feel their employer is invested in their career growth. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, “the majority of workers (91%) said it was very or somewhat important to them to have a job where they consistently have opportunities to learn.” Further, not only does supporting employees’ professional development and growth lead to skill advancement, but it can also promote a positive corporate culture of learning and innovation.


5.  Reduce Worker Burnout

Employee burnout has become a widespread problem in recent years. According to the Harvard Business Review, burnout arises from a "mismatch” between an organization and its employees. The extent of control a worker has, how they are treated, and the amount of work expected of them significantly affect burnout. Moreover, remote or hybrid work has become the new norm for many companies post-pandemic, blurring the boundaries between work and personal life. A Visier survey of 1,000 full-time workers revealed that 89% of employees experienced occupational burnout over the past year, with 27% experiencing continuous burnout.

Employee burnout can manifest in various ways, and considering the financial cost of burnout to employers, it is crucial for managers and supervisors to recognize and identify its signs and signals. Common signs include exhaustion, decreased performance, difficulty concentrating, increased irritability and absenteeism, and stress-related physical symptoms such as headaches or muscle tension. Recognizing these signs early and addressing them proactively can help prevent burnout from escalating to turnover.

To reduce burnout, companies should consider implementing regular check-ins between managers and employees to monitor workload balancing on teams and set realistic expectations for work production. Cross-training employees helps reduce burnout by providing workers with new challenges to grow their skills and allowing them to explore emerging career opportunities within the company. Cross-training also equips employers with an adaptable workforce, ensuring multiple employees can perform specific tasks as demand fluctuates, resulting in increased organizational scalability.


6.  Create a Thriving Corporate Culture

Nurturing a positive corporate culture is vital to fostering employee loyalty and engagement. Organizations should encourage open communication, afford opportunities for idea contribution, and consistently acknowledge employee accomplishments. For remote workers, leveraging technology to celebrate individual or team milestones is a great way to strengthen connections within the company. One option is Microsoft Teams’ Praise feature, which enables users to create posts to recognize and share appreciation for individual and team accomplishments.

Whole-company and team-building activities can also play a crucial role in talent retention by fostering stronger team bonds, interpersonal relationships between co-workers, and a sense of belonging within the organization. Implementing creative group activities improves communication and enhances group problem-solving skills, leading to more productive work environments.


7.  Support and Encourage Employee Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance can be disrupted by factors both within and outside the workplace. Family challenges, including increases in childcare or elder care responsibilities or changes in a life partner’s work schedule, new or increased health issues, increases in workload, and extended working hours, are all common causes that can quickly disrupt an employee’s ability to manage the demands of both their off and on duty time successfully. Maintaining a balance of priorities is key to ensuring workers are happy, engaged, and motivated to do their best. Since five unique generations are represented in today’s workforce, healthy work-life balance can look different to everyone. Meeting the needs of all employees can be facilitated by offering a broad range of benefits, including flexible work arrangements, remote and semi-remote options, generous paid time off and opportunities for unpaid time off to address personal matters, and promoting employee well-being by providing resources for mental health support and physical wellness.

Top companies known for providing superior employee benefits and perks often report lower turnover rates, resulting in increased growth and stability and reduced overall recruitment and training costs. For example, Microsoft Corporation is recognized for offering employees extensive health benefits, discounts on products and services, and generous parental leave policies. As a result, the average tenure in 2023 for a Microsoft employee was a healthy 5.2 years, while the national average for tech workers is about three years. As added benefits, companies prioritizing work-life balance benefit from higher employee satisfaction, increased worker productivity and morale, and fewer absences related to sick days.


Retaining top talent requires fostering a supportive corporate culture, offering competitive compensation, prioritizing professional development, and actively addressing boreout, burnout, and work-life balance. By actively investing in employees utilizing the strategies above, you can retain a highly skilled workforce committed to your company's long-term success.


AccuSourceHR™ Workforce Solutions is a PBSA-accredited national leader in background screening, occupational health services, and substance abuse testing. We are passionate about creating outstanding customer experiences and leading organizations to successful, efficient hiring and onboarding processes. We offer expansive screening services in over 230 countries and territories worldwide to make hiring easier for businesses and their human resource teams. Email us at for a complimentary program evaluation.